While I was in Ireland, I indulged (as I always do) in a fantasy about moving back there. I am very happy in San Francisco, but there is something so seductive about the idea of being back in Ireland, near my family, in the culture I grew up with.
When I have this fantasy, I always think, "what would I do?" The Irish economy is incredibly strong, and I'm sure there is plenty of opportunity, especially in Dublin. But I don't know if I could live in Dublin again. It's too busy and traffic-clogged. Wexford or Kilkenny would be more appealing.
There is also untapped opportunity online. I don't see much evidence in Ireland of the kind of Web-based creative industry that is so prevalent here. I mean the Etsy-conomy (ooh, I just coined that), Tiny Showcase-type businesses, or online versions of stores like The Candy Store, Rare Device and The Curiosity Shoppe. (I don't see actual stores like that over there either). Paul of Siopa Eile is trying to kick start a creative Web economy in Ireland, and encouage Irish artisans to take advantage of online opportunities, but the idea is slow to take off. ("Siopa Eile" means "Other Shop" in Irish, which I think is quite clever.)
Anyway, it's fun to dream about it, and who knows? Perhaps Eric and I will reach a point where we can make most of our living from creative pursuits, and spend half the year in California and half in Ireland. Although I think Eric would like Michigan to be part of that plan too; whenever he visits his home state, he has exactly the same sort of fantasy about moving back. And I can't really expect my sun-loving husband to endure the Irish weather for long periods.
Here's a shot of an interesting business in Wexford. Their pints will kill you.
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