Between Broadway and Green Streets, Lyon Street becomes a block of steep cement stairs. The Lyon Street steps are popular with wedding parties for photographs; the City and the bay are laid out in a stunning panorama from the top.
They are also popular with those who want a good workout. Run up and down the steps several times and you'll feel the burn in your quads and calves. My friends Ashli and Alisha reguarly do their workouts there, and this morning Alisha caught me in a weak moment and persuaded me to go with her.
We ran up and down and up and down. In between we did tricep dips on the stone wall and other exercises for arms, shoulders and abs (still a bit hard for me; those muscles have not needed to do any work for months). We did it for an HOUR! It was SO HARD!
It was fun with Alisha though. We cracked each other up:
Annie: "You know what? I bet all these other people think you're my
personal trainer."
Alisha: "I should be really mean to you, like 'move that fat ass, you
pathetic wimp!'"
Annie: "I could be trotting down the steps in front of you, crying my eyes out."
Alisha: "Man, I would get so many clients."
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